Résumé books are shared with employers actively engaged and recruiting TCU students for both internship and full-time opportunities. If you would like to be included, please upload your résumé following the requirements listed below. You will receive an email notification from a team member with any required edits prior to finalizing your résumé.

Your résumé must follow a business format and be in a Microsoft Word document.

Your résumé must be submitted with the following naming convention: LAST NAME_FIRST INITIAL_GRAD YEAR_RESUME BOOK(S)

Résumé Book abbreviations for file naming conventions
Accounting: ACCT
Business Analytics: ANA
Business Information Systems: BIS
Consulting: CONS
Corporate Finance: CFIN
Investments: INV
Human Resources: HR
Marketing: MKTG
Leadership Development Programs/Management Rotational Programs: LDP
Real Estate: RE
Sales: SALES
Supply Chain: SC

Email your résumé to Spring_.0bd8nz6k3e3vgsrg@u.box.com