Yes, you will get an impressive degree to hang on your wall, and advanced knowledge to boost your success. But you’ll get so much more at TCU Neeley.

Remember undergraduate school? This isn’t like that.

Forget worries about speaking in front of your classmates or nightmares about forgetting everything on the exam. You’re not a kid anymore. At TCU Neeley, we treat you like the professional you are. So do your professors. So do your classmates. You’ll share your challenges and success, and learn from others as they share theirs. You’ll learn valuable new skills and insights from the best minds in supply chain, and it won’t feel like a test. You’ve got this. You’ve got TCU.

Real Results. Right Away.

Real Results. Right Away.

Bring credibility to your résumé through our national prestige and practical real-world application. Put your TCU MS in Supply Chain Management to work immediately on the job. Get ready for a lot of “good work” and “great contribution” accolades. And maybe more. 

Globally Recognized

Graduate Supply Chain Program in North America
Gartner, 2024
World-class Faculty

World-class Faculty

Our top-ranked supply chain faculty are world-renowned researchers and sought-after consultants for leading companies. Most importantly, they are talented educators who help you discover new ways of looking at business, the world and yourself.

Close Connections

Smaller classes and project teams mean you’ll not only receive personal attention from your instructors, you’ll build valuable relationships with your peers. They’ll challenge you to look at your organization differently, and because they’re collaborative – not cutthroat – they’ll become an important part of your professional network.

DFW Roots, Global Reach

Supply chains don’t know boundaries. They stretch all around the globe. You’ve probably emailed or talked with your colleagues in other countries, but have you visited them in person? You’ll get that chance at TCU Neeley, with a two-week international experience to visit businesses and governments to better understand global opportunities and challenges. A field project teams you with a faculty member to participate in vital research that immediately impacts your company.