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3 Tips for Working Moms Pursuing their MBA

If you’re wondering how you can possibly manage to go through an Executive MBA program like the one at Neeley while working full time and raising a family, take a look at some of the women who have already done it, like Jennifer Deerman, ’17, who entered the program the same time as her husband while they raised three kids, ran two businesses, and moved to a new house. Or Kim Speairs, ’14, a single mother of two who graduated valedictorian while working full-time and fighting cancer.

June 23, 2017

If you’re wondering how you can possibly manage to go through an Executive MBA program like the one at Neeley while working full time and raising a family, take a look at some of the women who have already done it, like Jennifer Deerman, ’17, who entered the program the same time as her husband while they raised three kids, ran two businesses, and moved to a new house. Or Kim Speairs, ’14, a single mother of two who graduated valedictorian while working full-time and fighting cancer.

If they can do it, so can you. Here’s what they had to say about taking on the program.

  • Manage expectations – Let your co-workers, family and friends know what kind of demand the program will make on your time, but that it’s only temporary.
  • Rely on a support system – Those same co-workers, family and friends can lend a hand when you need it. You can also hire someone to help with the kids or the house.
  • Go easy on yourself – You don’t have to be everything, all the time. Give yourself permission to drop the ball every now and then. Remember, your support system is there to pick it up!

Get more time-saving advice from alumni.