ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence application in the early adoption process across the nation and TCU Neeley is on the cutting edge as Jones provides her business students with the knowledge to properly use the tool.
March 22, 2023
By Amber Billops
In a news interview with KRLD-1080, Beata Jones, a TCU Neeley professor of professional practice of business information systems, shared how she is preparing students for professional careers that may utilize ChatGPT.
ChatGPT, short for chat generative pre-trained transformer, is an artificial intelligence chatbot that launched on Nov. 30, 2022, and has quickly developed high-traffic use worldwide.
"The future is going to be collaborative with artificial intelligence and the sooner we realize it, the more beneficial it's going to be for everyone," said Jones.
In order to understand the implications of big data and business intelligence for digital transformation, Jones recently developed an assignment for students in her business information systems class to use ChatGPT to fill out a ten-page document in about ten minutes.
When implementing ChatGPT in the classroom, a challenge professors may face is getting students to use it as an enhancement in their studies and not as a substitute. Jones said she shows her students how to use ChatGPT properly and not to abuse it by requiring references in homework assignments.
"So, the answers, if they're provided without references, and they're mentioning technologies that were not assigned for homework, clearly that was not generated by the student," Jones said.
Overall, Jones said she has seen students adhering to her guidelines and successfully learning a new artificial intelligence tool.